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Taxi Procedure


To develop the student's planning and technique in taxi operations.


1.     Proper brake check and correct use of brakes.

2.     Compliance with airport surface marking, signals, and clearances.

3.     How to control direction and speed.

4.     Control positioning for various wind conditions.

5.     Techniques used to avoid other aircraft and hazards.

6.     Positioning the airplane with consideration for other aircraft, surface conditions and wind.

7.     Division of attention inside and outside the cockpit.

8.     Method used to determine that airplane is in a safe operating condition.

9.     Method used for assuring that the takeoff area or path is free of hazards

10. Method used for assuring adequate clearance from other traffic.


1.     Improper use of brakes.

2.     Improper positioning of the flight controls for various wind conditions.

3.     Hazards of taxiing too fast.

4.     Failure to comply with markings, signals, or clearances.

5.     Failure to use or the improper use of the checklist.

6.     Improper positioning of the airplane.

7.     Acceptance of marginal engine performance.

8.     An improper check of flight controls.

9.     Hazards of failure to review takeoff and emergency procedures.

10. Failure to check for hazards and other traffic.

Taxiing Technique

OBJECTIVE: To teach the ability to maneuver the aircraft on the ground.


Before Taxing

1.     Check brakes on.

2.     Adjust Throttle Friction

3.     Clearance

4.     Note wind velocity

During Taxing

1.     Check engine and gyro instruments

2.     Look around

3.     Listening watch on ground frequency


Starting and Stopping

When safe, demonstrate starting and stopping in a straight line.


      1.     Throttle closed.

      2.     Brakes released.

      3.     Control column back.

      4.     Open throttle.

      5.     Throttle back slightly – effect of inertia

      6.     Dangers of misuse of power and elevator. (tailwheel)


      1.     Close throttle.

      2.     Rudder pedals coordinated.

      3.     Control column back.

      4.     Apply brakes.

      5.     Be aware of braking too harshly.

      Control of Direction and Turning

Demonstrate use of rudder and brake both upwind and downwind.


      1.     Power off, brakes off – small effect.

      2.     Power on, brakes off – improved effect.

      3.     Power on, brakes set – large effect

      a.  Rudder and power as required.

      4.     Anticipation.

      Cross Wind Techniques

      1.     Weather vaning tendency

      2.     Turns into wind tend to tighten up

      3.     Aircraft is less willing to turn downwind


Taxiing Technique (continued)

Control of Speed

      1.     Smooth use of throttle.

      2.     Control of speed with

a.     Power.

b.     Brake.

      3.     Factors affecting speed:

a.     Surface gradient.

b.     Nature of surface.

c.      Wind.

      4.     Judging speed.

      5.     Avoid taxing fast

      Turning in Confided Spaces

      1.     Low speed.

      2.     Use of rudder, power, and brakes.

      3.     Check that the tail is clear of obstacles.

      Leaving Parking Location

      1.     Checks.

      2.     Brakes tested.

      3.   Check minimum use of differential braking. 



Standard techniques to be used for all aircraft taxiing.

Prior to aircraft movement, gain awareness of surroundings, pedestrians, animals, vehicles and other aircraft. If there is ever doubt about clearing an obstruction, shut down and investigate

* Keep eyes out of the windows, and avoid distractions during all ground operations

* Get taxi clearance or self-announce. Read back, record, and understand clearance prior to moving.

* Set heading bug to wind, and position flight controls for current wind conditions

* Upon movement, check brakes immediately. If unsatisfactory, shut down

* Steer with rudder pedals / brakes

* Taxi at an appropriate, yet cautious speed. Downwind taxi will require less power

* When making turns, check: Airspeed Indicator, Heading Indicator, Turn Coordinator and Compass

* Avoid excess braking/braking with power.  Idle power before braking. (Except differential braking)

* Use the yellow taxi center line, or green lights.

* Slow prior to turns

* Reposition flight controls for current wind conditions during/after each turn

* Be aware of weather vaning in high wind conditions

* Always be alert and scan during taxi operations


Used when taxiing in moderate to strong headwind conditions.

Hold the yoke to maintain the ailerons in a neutral or level position.


Used when taxiing in strong quartering headwinds.

Fully turn the yoke in the direction of the wind placing the upwind aileron in the up position. Due to reduced control effectiveness at slow taxi speeds, full aileron deflection is required.

    * Hold the yoke to maintain the elevator (or stabilator) in neutral or level position. A neutral elevator position will help maintain sufficient nose wheel friction and allow positive directional control.


The effectiveness of the airplane controls is influenced by tailwinds.

Hold the yoke to maintain the ailerons in a neutral position and the elevator in the down position


Used when taxiing in strong quartering tailwind conditions. (Note: This is the most critical wind condition for taxiing a tricycle gear, high-wing airplane.)

Fully turn the yoke in the direction away from the wind.  In a right quartering tailwind turn the yoke fully to the left, or left aileron up. Reverse the position of the aileron control when taxiing with a left quartering tailwind.

* Hold the yoke full forward to maintain the elevator (or stabilator) in a down position which will counteract the airplane’s tipping tendency. “ Dive away from the wind”


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